
Sedona Arizona Weather

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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

SOLD! Cottonwood Arizona Estate Home - Want Results? Call Sheri Sperry 9...

A Christmas Miracle Unfolds - The Cottonwood Estate is SOLD by Sheri Sperry @928.274.7355

Want Results? Call Sheri Sperry of Coldwell Banker Realty Sedona or visit 

Sheri Sperry works with Sellers and Buyers to bring their dreams to fruition.

This Cottonwood, AZ, estate home was added at the cusp of the market change.  

It needed a complete makeover and competitive pricing to entice buyers. 

It is a fabulous house that would have sold much higher in a different market.  

Sheri Sperry is here to offer solutions and get properties SOLD, not to have them sit on the market. 

 - Call Sheri Sperry to learn how she can help you - at 928.274.7355 - or visit   

#sherisperry  #sellsedona  #sedonalifestyle  #livethedream #liveinbeauty #coldwellbankerrealty #sedonasellers #sedonabuyers #verdevalleypropertyforsale 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Does Sedona and Northern Arizona get Fall Color?

Happy Thanksgiving from Sedona Arizona!

Sheri and I are grateful for the fall in Sedona. But most of all, we are thankful for our family and friends.  
We hope all of you have a fabulous Thanksgiving and Christmas Season. #sedonalifestyle#liveinbeauty#livethedream#fallcolors#fall2022 #happythanksgiving2022 #sedonaweather,#HolidaySeason2022

Monday, November 7, 2022

Big Park, Sedona AZ Condo ~ SOLD! ~STR Capability

SOLD!  Big Park Condo 

Great for short-term rentals

Call Sheri Sperry @ 982.274.7355 for all your real estate needs. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Earliest Snowfall Recorded in Cottages At Coffeepot - Sedona AZ

Earliest Snowfall Recorded in Sedona...

Earliest Snowfall ever recorded at the Cofftages At Coffeepot in Sedona, AZ!
We got about 1 inch over a 6-hour period. It was 27º at dawn today 11/4/22. 
See more weather stats at in Ricks World Sedona. 
#sedonaweather, #sedonalifestyle, #liveinbeauty, #livethedream, 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Farewell Halloween! 


Farewell Halloween! Bring on the Holiday Season. Looking forward to Thanksgiving, Pumpkin Pie, and the excellent company of family and friends.  BTW - I am always available to discuss Sedona Real Estate options with you!
Call Sheri Sperry 1-928.274.7355

#farewellhalloween #sedonalifestyle, #liveinbeauty, #livethedream, #ThankfulTuesday