Earlier today, I was checking out some of the blogs on ActiveRain and a title caught my eye. "Don't worry, Be Happy...". Well, I remember someone telling me that statement when things were not going well and it always brought a smile and a change of demeanor.
As I was reading that blog by Tony & Darcy Cannon today, I was remembering how we have to dig down to that special place deep within our heart and find a way to reassure our customers that we will get through the process even when we have to deal with that "stinky" person. After all, it is always about our customer, never about us.
The principles I use to help me find the goodness in that "stinky" person are from the book "Managing From The Heart" (Dell Trade Paperback 1990).
These principles are as follows:
- Hear and understand me.
- Even if you disagee, please don't make me wrong.
- Acknowledge the greatness within me.
- Remember to look for my loving intentions.
- Tell me the truth with compassion.
These 5 principles were illustrated very well in story form, which made for enjoyable reading. But more to the point, I can always find one (or more) that fit just about any situation where I need to tread lightly. I have found, especially during negotiations, to remain calm, take a step back and always act with my customer's best interest in mind. This approach has not let me down yet and most of all the process remains transparent to you guessed it, the customer.
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