When dealing with family oriented buyers, which may include grand parents, there are many areas to keep in mind when chosing homes for the buyer to preview.
Buyers think in terms of safety when a growing family is involved. Considerations should include, traffic patterns, fenced in yards, proximity to schools. Other considerations would include extra bathrooms, extra bedrooms and quiet ares to study and learn. We also have to allow for indoor and outdoor recreation with safety again, being the highest priority.
Kids - Their Space
Age & gender play a big part in deciding the size and the location of kid's bedrooms. Do the parents want the kids rooms to be a shared experience or multi-purpose rooms or do they want the children to have separate spaces for study and play time. These are all key points for a realtor® to address with the parents.

Other areas to consider:
1) Storage space, 2) Safe exit for emergencies 3) Convenience & accessibility for adult supervision
Multi-Purpose Rooms

Outdoor Play Areas
The prime consideration for children should be their safety. If a home has a playgroud or play set, it should be inspected. Is there a risk in using the equipment. This is no different than having a pool. The home owner needs to have essential precautions in place. A pool safety expert might be a great step to help make an informed decision as to the best safety equipment to have installed. Besides suitable fencing, a pool cover and more specifically an electronically controlled cover might be a great option to ensure a safe environment. Make sure that you meet the minimum standards of pool safety for your area. Check with your local government agency.
Let's remember, nothing is more important than proper and constant parental supervision to keep your kids safe.
Safety - Comfort - Privacy - Expansion

As our population continues to age, we have to be very cognizant of those young families who are looking for their peice of the American Dream. As you have read in this article, there are different priorities for families than those buyers who are single or empty nesters.